Chapter 3, Listing 3

Listing 3: Script of cd button "Line Chart"

	on mouseUp
	  put minLine("xValue") into x1
	  put minLine("yValue") into y1
	  put maxLine("xValue") into x2
	  put maxLine("yValue") into y2
	  if the hilite of cd button "Achsenkreuz" = TRUE then
	    -- erst einmal Ränder abchecken
	    if x1 > 0 then put 0 into x1
	    if y1 > 0 then put 0 into y1
	    if x2 < 0 then put 0 into x2
	    if y2 < 0 then put 0 into y2
	  end if
	  -- dann skalieren
	  scale x1,y1, x2,y2
	  -- Achsenkreuz zeichnen
	  if the hilite of cd button "Achsenkreuz" = TRUE then
	    drawLineAxes x1, y2
	  end if
	  -- yAchse beschriften
	  choose text tool
	  set textSize to 9
	  if the hilite of cd button "Achsenkreuz" = TRUE then
	    click at xOrigin(x1), yOffset() - 12
	    set textAlign to Center
	    type item 1 of bg fld "yLabel"
	    click at xOrigin(x1), yOffset() - 2
	    type y2
	    click at xOrigin(x1), yMax() + 12
	    type y1
	    click at xOffset(), yOffset() - 10
	    set textAlign to Center
	    type item 1 of bg fld "yLabel"
	    click at xOffset() - 5, yOffset() + 5
	    set textAlign to Right
	    type y2
	    click at xOffset() - 5, yMax() + 5
	    type y1
	  end if
	  -- xAchse beschriften
	  if the hilite of cd button "Achsenkreuz" = TRUE then
	    click at xOffset() - 5, yOrigin(y2) + 5
	    set textAlign to Right
	    type x1
	    click at xMax(), yOrigin(y2) + 15
	    set textAlign to Center
	    type item 1 of bg fld "xLabel"
	    click at xMax() + 3, yOrigin(y2) + 5
	    set textAlign to Left
	    type x2
	    click at xOffset(), yMax() + 15
	    set textAlign to Center
	    type x1
	    click at xOffset() + (xMax() - xOffset())¬
	    DIV 2, yMax() + 15
	    type item 1 of bg fld "xLabel"
	    click at xMax(), yMax() + 15
	    type x2
	  end if
	  repeat with i = 1 to number of lines¬
	  in bg fld "xValue"
	    put convertX(line i of bg fld "xValue") into x
	    put convertY(line i of bg fld "yValue") into y
	    plotPoint x, y
	    if i > 1 then
	      -- den ersten Punkt überspringen
	      connectPoints prevx, prevy, x, y
	    end if
	    put x into prevx
	    put y into prevy
	  end repeat
	end mouseUp

	on plotPoint x, y
	  choose oval tool
	  drag from x-2, y-2 to x+2,  y+2
	end plotPoint
	on connectPoints x1,y1, x2,y2
	  choose line tool
	  drag from x1, y1 to x2, y2
	end connectPoints

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